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- Harvey Maps These specialist maps for walking, cycling, and horse riding are essential for all who want to get the best from the outdoors.
- National Library of Scotland Online access to a range of old maps of Scotland including town plans from the 1800s.
- NLS Military Maps of Scotland in the 18th Century Online maps from the Jacobite era.
- NLS One-inch to the mile maps of Scotland, 1945-1947 Superb reference covering Scotland at the end of WW2.
- NLS Ordnance Survey Air Photo Mosaics of Scotland, 1944-1950 Partial coverage of mainly central Scotland.
- Ordnance Survey The definitive word on Ordnance Survey maps and other products from the UK's official mapping organisation.
- Glossary of Scots origins of place names in Britain
- Roy's RoadsThe Road Network from the Military Survey of Scotland, 1747.
- Scotland's Oldest Bridges A map based catalogue of the oldest masonry bridges in Scotland.
- Stirling Surveys Producers of Footprint Maps for walkers and cyclists, UK wide, but with a Scottish emphasis.
- Vodafone Service Coverage Detailed maps.